Today, you're going to delve into a topic that can significantly enhance your high school experience and future career prospects: improving your CV.
Beyond just securing good grades, there's a multitude of avenues you can explore to bolster your CV during your high school years. One powerful strategy is participation in international competitions. These events, often structured hierarchically starting from regional rounds to national rounds and finally culminating in international stages, offer unparalleled opportunities for personal and academic growth. Take, for instance, the prestigious International Mathematics Olympiad, spanning approximately 140 countries, or the International Physics Competition.
Participating in international competitions not only showcases your academic prowess but also demonstrates invaluable character traits like perseverance and diligence—qualities highly sought after by employers, especially in fields like management consulting and finance. Achieving success at these competitions can serve as a potent CV door opener to lucrative career opportunities.
While the International Mathematics Competition is widely known, there are numerous other International Olympiads such as international physics competition, international computer science competition, chemistry international olympiad, philosophy international olympiad, astronomy international competition, economics international olympiad, international computer science olympiad, international physics olympiad catering to diverse interests and passions, all CV door openers.
Embarking on this journey early in your high school years allows ample time for growth, learning from initial setbacks, and refining your skills for subsequent attempts to improve your CV. It's not uncommon for winners to have faced initial failures, underscoring the importance of persistence and resilience in the pursuit of excellence. So we encourage you to participate in the international computer science olympiad, international physics olympiad,
international mathematics competition or international computer science competition.
Video transcript:
Today, we're going to talk about something that you can do during your time at high school to seriously improve your CV.
My name is Gabriel Goldbrain, and I develop the Goldbrain Success Training for super-smart college students and young professionals who want to break into management consulting. Visit my website to find out more.
During your time at high school, you can do a lot of things besides having good grades to build an impressive CV for your future career. One of these things that will significantly benefit your CV are international competitions. Such competitions are organized in a hierarchical way, starting out with a regional round, then maybe having several national rounds before you're eligible for the international rounds, which usually happen abroad.
The most prestigious competition is the International Mathematics Olympiad, which is available in about 140 countries. The tasks you get assigned get tougher and tougher with each round of the competition. The first round already is tough for most high school students. Nevertheless, the first round is well doable for someone who takes the effort, who is really into solving math problems because you don't need much more than your brain and some time to think and reason about the task you're given to solve. So, in the International Math Olympiad, pretty much everyone who has good math grades in high school can participate, whereas the first round is doable if you put in the effort. The following rounds get tougher and tougher, and you will soon face the best mathematicians of your country. As these international competitions like the Math Olympiad have thousands of participants, you can consider yourself quite special if you make it to the final national round of such a competition. And if you even make it to the international level of such a competition, you're pretty unique. This is something very special only a few people have on their CV in the world.
This is the reason why being successful at these competitions will be a door opener for many highly interesting jobs. Because what does that tell someone who hires for a well-paid job? People know that you must be smart; you must be an intelligent person. But it even tells more; you must be hardworking and enduring, not giving up easily, someone who can face tough competition and master it. And that's character traits which successful companies love, for instance, management consulting firms. So, even if you don't have exceptional grades in all subjects, such an achievement in your CV will be a door opener with management consulting firms, maybe with investment banks, with all kinds of employers that offer well-paid jobs, because such an achievement makes you stand out from the crowd.
Besides the Math Olympiad, there is the Physics Olympiad, which is available in about countries. We have the Informatics Olympiad, which is available in about countries. And there are many more Olympiads like in Chemistry, in Philosophy, in Astronomy, in Economics. So, there are a lot of these Olympiads around which fit the personal preference of everyone who wants to excel in the subject in which he is interested.
I put together a list of all major international competitions that will significantly boost your CV and your career if you are successful in these competitions. You can download this slide from my website I recommend that you start participating in these competitions as early as possible because you may fail in the first year. Make your experience, draw your conclusions, and then be in a much better shape for the competition when you participate the second or the third time. And oftentimes, the winners are those who failed maybe the first time they were taking part in one of these competitions. If you know about a competition that is not on my list, let me and the community know by putting it down in the comments below this video. Maybe you're not anymore at the high school age, so share this video with someone you think is smart and still doing high school to give him the chance to participate in one of these competitions. It will be one of the biggest boosts he can have in his CV. If you have children or if you're a teacher, share this video with your children or with your students to motivate them to do something for their CV. They won't regret it. In another video I made, I will talk about why a high SAT score will benefit your CV as well. And my second video is about industries which pay well and which are particularly interested in hiring candidates with top CVs. Subscribe to my channel and like my video. Thanks for watching.